A beautiful, sunny Minnesota day. Started at the Canadian Border. Managed to convince two sets of border agents we were slightly crazy. 71 miles or so, basically through wilderness. Lots of scrub pine - a total of three small towns, one with 56 residents, two with a couple of hundred. We had the novel experience of lunch at the "muni" in Big Falls - the town owns the only bar/liquor store/restaurant in the area. Nightfall finds us in beautiful Northome minn - home of the brown bear drive in. Can't beat the snowstorm.
Jacob joined us last night - in time to celebrate his 30th birthday. Somewhat hard to wrap my mind around that reality.
managed to touch Canadian soil with only minor jawboning with border guards on both sides.
lunch in Big Falls
The open road.
lavish accommodations- northome - 200 residents
Strongly held political views in these parts.